Saturday, September 18, 2010

You should ALWAYS tip your barista

So.. listen to this, bitches. The owner at the coffee shop I currently spend way too much of my life at just told me a day ago that he will now be getting halfsies on the tip share that comes in while he is there. Back in the good ol' days.. (yesterday) whomever worked with the owner, or from now on as we will call him, indian giving slut, wouldn't except tips and the baristas working would split them upon themselves. This was a huge boner for me

because the majority of my shifts consist of just him and myself. So, with that said, on a normal Wednesday morning I would work ten hours and walk with at least fifteen dollars.. but now, it will be 7.50. I am not sure if Indian Giving Slut is aware that I use that money for VERY important things... such as, feeding Satan, beer, cigarettes, envelopes, water bottles I use to squirt Satan, condoms, and most importantly... Beer.

So, when I am slaving away making the perfect latte, providing the MOST prestine customer service and attempting to be "nice" to bloodfart, Indian Giving slut will be in the back office on his computer googling different ways to improve his triatholon times and still collect my hard earned cash to buy new spandex and bibles. Does anyone else know how fucking hard it is to be nice to people? Is it just me? Does the cheese stand alone on this one? Ew, I can't believe I just compared myself to cheese. Memo to self, never do that again.. unless it's Munster.. that shit is actually pretty good. And, it makes me think of Eddie Munster. I wonder what he is up to these days and if he still has that wicked white stripe in his hair.

On another note, will someone please start paying me to make them speghetti or something? I really need to get the internet at my apartment. Bars that offer free wi-fi fucking rule but, this is probably why I can't afford internet in the first place.

I wish you could live in bars. Minus the whole not smoking thing. Oh yeah, and those "E-Cigarettes" are fucking bullshit.

It's Saturday, so peace out bitches.

1 comment:

  1. I had the same problem once. Sooo, I began to pocket most the tips....damn the man =)
