My friend Jenny came to visit me a few days ago with her boyfriend Steve. I have been friends with Jenny since kindergarten so she knows all of the embarrassing shit that has happened to me over the years that I wouldn't mind forgetting. I have always been known for being pretty outrageous and having the energy of a ferret and when Jenny ever meets new people that I introduce her to she loves to tell them stories about our childhood.
They had came into town for Steve's birthday so I had arranged for us to go to a pre-thirsty Thursday baseball game drinking party. We got to the party and there was a lot of people there from my work, some randoms and of course the group of 19 year old drunk sluts you see at every party. We spent most of our time there drinking and sharing stories about the people at work we hate and the difference between the Gremlin movies, I had to tell a couple people to step back when they started hating on Applebees, seeing as it is one of my favorite restaurants, but, other than that it was a real stellar time. My friends house the shin dig was at is real close to the stadium of the baseball game so we walked there and on the way Jenny thought it was an appropriate time to pull out a story from the archives. She told my friends about how when I was a senior in high school I failed Choir and got kicked out of the class for performing 'Bah Bah Black Sheep' in front of the class for my exam instead of the required piece from the ballet, 'Carmen'.
I am fairly certain my friends are now very sure that I am a terrible person after hearing the stories that were told throughout the evening. It was all in good fun though and 2 dollar beers is a really good deal. Throughout the game after my 7th beer a fight was about to break out in front of us amongst some douchebags who were arguing about the better baseball team. Like anyone really cares about the Lugnuts or the Sharks, everyone knows the real reason to go to baseball games is beer and tight pants. The fight was unfortunately broken up by a butch security guard and as the Lugnuts fan was walking away in frustration my friend looked at him and said, "Go Sharks!" This really pissed him off, he attempted to spit at us but really just ended up drooling on him self. As he was walking away up towards the bathrooms I decided to follow him and get right behind him, tickle his butthole with my fingers and told him not to pretend like he didn't like it. He called me a fucking bitch and I went to the bathroom. Like I've said before, I am not one to suffer any consequences for my actions.
The game was fun, the night was fun, and I have no idea who the girl is in the picture I posted in this blog post.
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