Supposedly you are not supposed to put forks in a microwave. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that I thoughtlessly put a fork in the microwave, walked away and thought about the leftover cuisine I was about to take in. I was interrupted during my daydream by Tito shouting, "Chelsea! What are you thinking?!?" I looked at him confused and replied, "What?"
"You can't put metal in the microwave, are you nuts?!" He said.
"I guess I just never really thought about it." I replied back.
And then we stood there and stared at each other for 4 minutes.
Just kidding.
I'm really happy that I have Tito and Victor around the house to teach me all of the most important things anyone would ever have to know. They are always encouraging me to learn special skills so that if the world ends we will be prepared and they always have the best advice to give. A few days ago I was struggling to open a jar of pickles and Victor said, "You can do it, I believe in you."
I can't help but to wonder what our lives would be life if we were in a sitcom.
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