Wednesday, June 2, 2010

i would never take claim to being roseanne barr's fashion stylist in her 90's sitcom. no fucking way.

It is day 2 of Twatface's HIV and I am starting to feel like I am really neglecting her in this time of need. Instead of rushing in to get her fixed I continue to procrastinate and stare at her tucked behind the couch as I eat a cigarette. I mean freezer pop. Sorry. I was looking at a cigarette as I typed that. I also don't know why I am referring to my laptop as a female I don't even refer to Rupaul in such a way. Anyway, using Tito's computer has really got me to wondering what the definition of a computer is. I have always been under the assumption that a computer is a machine that you compute data to and it does what YOU the owner tells it to. This is not true. The definition of computer is: Computer- crazy, stressful, clusterfuck of aggravation. And this is where I start getting mad at myself for picking on a fucking computer. Seriously, there are so many other things going on that I can be doing or focusing on. I have always wanted to master different positions that may come in handy while playing Twister. Also, I have been meaning to make Louise (cat) a fort. I don't have to spend any of my time thinking of different ways to demolish any "computer". I just really need to deal with it and move on.

So, moving on. I am so stoked to start pimping out my 20SB Page. I am so fucking stoked on it you guys, and you should be to.

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  1. Your blog is great! Just became a follower!

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