Tuesday, June 1, 2010

survey says: what a bust. but on a good note, i'm not bald.

We'll begin here. I don't know why but, about 87% of the time I write my title to my posts in all smaller case letters. I know the correct way to make a sentence and yet I still do it that way. Weird. Also, about 85% of the time I just want to be Lady Gaga. Anyway, seriously, what I am about to type has nothing to do with what I just wrote. Sorry.

There are two things that scare me more frequently then being bald and losing all of my teeth. Those things are:

1. Waking up and not having any coffee
2. My computer crashes before I finally get around to backing up a universe of everything that makes my life complete.

So, I have been using a computer for the majority of my life. You would think along the way someone would have told me that spyware software isn't a scam? Did anyone else know that your computer doesn't just automatically fix and rid any poisonous shit that it encounters on a day to day bases, unless you have a Mac. Somebody did once tell me that Apple computers are the Magic Johnson of computers. So, with that said I'll bring you up to speed. I wish I would have bought a Mac and my computer has a virus. I know you're probably thinking that I am freaking out over this and I am, but, I don't know how serious it is. I'm not a computer doctor so I think that it is best to try and stay calm until the real computer doctors figure it out. I am hopeful and you should all be too. We'll get through this. But, until I get twatface (the name of my computer) to the doctor I will be using Tito's Macintosh to write my posts and it is a dinosaur space machine, if that makes sense, so there will be no pictures on my blurbs. So, deal with it I guess.

Also, I haven't had any coffee yet and I have been up for 3 hours now. Fuck.


  1. I don't drink coffee. I'm naturally a morning person I suppose.. so one of my biggest fears is waking up one day and NOT being a morning person anymore! lol

  2. I don't know chels.. I really think that spy/adware/virus-protection is a TOTAL SCAM!!! It's like the Acai Berrry, a SUPER SCAM! Think about it: why would someone create a virus that makes your computer run like shit, then die... what's in it for them? How do they benefit? What motivates them to keep coming up with new ways to destroy it? There are new virus' all the time! And they should be tracable? The virus protection companies are the only ones that benefit.. and they benefit a LOT! Some people pay as much as $200 for virus protection!!!! I would never pay anything for it! It's a scam. If we all stopped buying the stupid virus protection, like AOL it will disappear (and that's a promise)!
