Friday, June 4, 2010

LUDA, LUDA, LUDACRIS!!!! and my 20 minute conversation with victors mom.

I Woke-up, had coffee, talked to Joe Joe for an hour.

Joe Joe: My sassy, delicious, awesome, most fantastic, vegantastic, aspiring governor of New York, home owning, gardening, gentle, house building, super tall friend.

Blah, blah, blah.. Let's start here.

phone conversation

Me: Hey Carol
Carol (Victors mom): Hi sweetie! (*my name for all of my friends moms who can't remember my name)
Me: Carol, do you mind if I ask you a few questions for an article we are putting together for The City Pulse on the history of gay bars in Lansing?
Carol: Oh well, I don't know if I could be much use to you, I didn't go out much in the 60's.. I'll tell you what I didn't go out much when I was in my 60's, I mean when I lived in the 60's
Me: Whatever you can help me with is fine Carol, no worries either way.
Carol: Oh well ok, that sounds good.... Like I said though I wasn't really going out much in the 60's and 70's I had just graduated high school in 1967 and I'll tell you what I didn't go out very much. I was definitely not going to gay bars.
Me: Why not?
Carol: Oh that was all hush, hush.. I have only been to a gay club one time in my life when I was in Atlanta and I went with my sword swallowing friend who dressed in drag and did acrobats, oh sweetie, it was a great time.
Me: anytime you are with a sword swallower it's a good time.
courtesy awkward laugh
Me: Oh Carol.
Carol: Oh I just wish I could be more help but well, I just didn't go out to any gay clubs in the 60's or 70's. (*no, you are not fucked up, Carol has said the a few times.)
Me: Carol, may I ask, what did you do after high school if you weren't out partying and shakin' your thing?
Carol: Oh well, I got kicked out of my mama's house and then I got 2 jobs. I worked 2 jobs and then I got married. And then I divorced. And then I got married. And then I worked a few jobs. And then I got divorced. And then I had a kid. And then I got married. And then I sold knock off hand bags on the side of the road. Just kidding that never happened. And then I got divorced. And then I got another job. And then I got married.(*this is still going on) And then I had another kid. And then I got divorced. And then I had a boyfriend. And then I had menopause. And then I got 2 jobs. I didn't really have time to go out.
Me: Carol, you're life is so adventurous! I bet you have lived in a lot of different houses.
Carol: .... I was a gypsy in my past life...
super. awkward. pause.
Me: Okay well Carol, It was super great talking to you...
Carol: Oh yes dear, I am just so sorry I couldn't be more help to you. If I would have went out in the 60's and 70's I guess I would have more to say.
Me: That's ok.

After another 3 attempts to get her off the phone I finally just gave her back to Victor while she was in mid sentence...... Carol's a drinker.

Oh, let's see what else is exciting in my life. Oh yeah, I am interviewing Ludacris next month.

If you're jealous it's because you should be.